Figuring out the pose
Character Exploration
"Mammon, also known as the prince of greed, is one of the seven princes of heaven and an arch duke. he personifies greed, wealth, abundance, and prosperity. During the war in heaven, mammon was defeated by the angel Raphael. when he was an angel in heaven, he was often seen along the golden pavement of the road to heaven's gates."
another arch duke of hell! inspired images of the American wild west and California gold rush when reading about the demon of greed. of course, outrageous wealth is the american dream, right?
mammon's animal companion is a vulture, because it is symbolic of rough desert terrain and they are birds of prey, feeding and surviving on the loss of others. i made his facial hair beak-like, and his eyes (according to the testament) are the same bright green of freshly-printed money. he's a cocky, arrogant man, but patient and brilliant in every duel and game of cards!